
Work Nonsense
2007-11-07 - 2:43 p.m.

Oh my God, work is going crazy!! I have so much stuff piled on my desk and I have no idea where to start. Not to mention I keep getting IMs about packages stuck in customs and staff changes at recipient locations. It�s nuts. There is way too much for me to do today, especially since I have to leave right on time to get to rehearsal.

One thing that has been interesting this week is I�ve been consistently waking up before my alarm clock ever since Daylight Savings ended. This has never happened to me before. As a general rule, I have no internal alarm clock what-so-ever. I even have to set the alarm on weekends to stop myself from sleeping until 2 in the afternoon. But this week? *Ping!* Eyes open at 6:30am. I don�t even have to be up until 7. I�ve been leaving early for work just because I�ve run out of stuff to do at the house. I�m hoping this keeps up, honestly; it�s pretty nice to have a bit more time in the mornings and to not feel all groggy and gross.

Speaking of groggy and gross, though, I think I�m getting a cold. I�m hoping it�s just allergies from working at the dusty theater every day for a week, but I�m still treating it like a cold since that�s really what it feels like. I�m taking my Emergen-C and Zicam (which is an annoying, expensive pain in the ass, by the way.) and my Sudafed. I�m also drinking so much water I have to pee every ten minutes (was that TMI?). Anyway, I don�t want to get all crazy sick, so I�m trying to take care of myself. Right now it�s just a stuffed up nose and I�m hoping it stays that way.

Well, I keep thinking I have more, but I don�t, so I�m just going to stop now.

when we last left our heros� - in our next exciting installment�