
2007-02-09 - 5:06 p.m.

I really want to post and fill this thing in with what is going on, but the fact of the matter is I�m working a 40 hour week and four shows at once. I�m tired, people, and that�s pretty much all there is. You�ll hear more from me next week, including the story of the exploding soup.

Until then, a survey, just to fill some space.

1] What are you doing Feb. 14th?
Work then rehearsal. That will probably be it.

2] What kind of cell do you have?
a pretty blue one

3] Color socks you wore today?

4] How many Harry Potter books do you own?
all of them

5] Paper: College ruled or wide lined?

6] Do you have a digital camera?
It�s a piece of crap, but yes

7] Do you have a job?
Four right now. Three on Monday. One in April. Two in May.

8] What color is your jacket?
dark charcoal grey

9] Does it snow where you live?
No, well only under extreme, Bible-esque circumstances

10] Ever been to Italy?
Yes. Venice, Verona, and Florence

11] Do you keep your movie tickets?
Only through tax time. They�re a write-off

12] How many phone numbers do you have on your phone?
52 People, no idea how many numbers.

13] Who was your last text from?

14] Who's your #1 on myspace?
Nicole, I think?

15] Do you have a yellow shirt?
I don�t think so.

16] What month is it?

17] You ever lit a match?
No, I have never in my life lit a match. I also live in a cave with wolves.

18] Can you start a fire?
Damn skippy. I was a Girl Scout after all.

19] Can you go a day without looking in a mirror?
No, it would be difficult even if I weren�t as vain as I am, seeing as most bathrooms have them above the sink.

20] Is your bedroom window facing south?
No, north.

21] Ever been duct taped?
Christ on a cracker, I don�t even want to know what that would be.

22] You have an older brother?

23] Have you ever STARTED a food fight?

24] Can you walk in high heels?

25] Collect anything?
Nothing of consequence.

26] Steve or Joe?
Which ones are you talking about? Steve Young or Joe Montana? Steve McQueen or Joe Pecci? The guy I�m currently dating or my ex?

Well, as Bone Daddy knows, the answer will always be STEVE!

27] Aren't penguins awesome?
They kick ass. They�re the James Bonds of the animal world.

28] Who'd miss you most if you died?
my family

29] Do you own a scarf?
Yes, a couple, but I never wear them.

30] Bald or fat?
Bald. As long as he owns it.

31] What color is the blanket on your bed?

32] Do you have an orange ball?
I don�t think so

33] Ever been snowboarding?
Once. It did not go well.

34] Ever seen a starfish?
yes, and I held it.

35] Can you juggle?
No, but I always wanted to learn.

36] Do you tear open your gifts?

37] Mittens or gloves?

38] What's the longest Halloween candy has lasted with you?
A year. I hid it from myself to make it last longer and then forgot about it.

39] You're wearing pj's arent you?
At work? Um, no.

40] Fly or laser vision?
You mean can I fly or I see like a fly with all the prisms and shit? If it�s ability to fly I�ll take that one.

41] Looking back - what was your least favorite school year?
2nd and 7th

42] Ever answered a phone that wasn't yours?

43] Hit anyone with a cart lately?
I don't regularly go around with carts

44] Where did you work last year?

45] How was your last birthday?
Very chill and fun.

46] Last song you heard?
The Colombian music the cab driver was listening to last night.

47] Who WON'T repost this?
Most everyone

48] Roses or carnations?

49] Last person you yelled at?
I don�t really yell.

50] Italian or Mexican?

51] Ever eat an entire can of frosting?
Not in one sitting.

52] Strange belief as a child?
That you always had sex in the bathroom. My parents told me how sex worked when I was six and at that point the only place I could think of that a person spends a good deal of time naked was the bathroom, ergo, you have sex in the bathroom.

53] Favorite candy?
Godiva dark chocolate

54] How old were you when you learned to read?
Kindergarten, 5 I guess

55] Who was your last phone call?

56] Last time you had a headache?
Last week

57] First car?
Brown Volkswagon Rabbit

58] Do you have Barbies?
Not anymore

59] What's on your bedroom walls?

60] Insert random word here:

61] Do you own anything sharp?
The doctor said that wouldn�t be a good idea.

62] Whats the first word you think of when you hear - lake?

63] What color is your watch?

64] Ever been pushed off something?
Um, yes.

65] Last time you were hyper?

66] What did you do today?
Went to work, now off to run a dance show.

when we last left our heros� - in our next exciting installment�