
Pointless Entry
2005-12-15 - 7:18 p.m.

OK, logging a few overtime hours and stopping for a moment to let my eyes uncross from the evil blue screen of DOS. Hee, that rhymed.

I tend to be a packrat, as I have mentioned before. This includes keeping pieces of paper which may be necessary �sometime in the future.� Invariably, though, I end up throwing a way or misplacing the really important papers but keeping ready at hand piles of paper that have long outlived their usefulness. I am trying to remedy this. I am also trying to remedy my horrible habit of writing down phone numbers without the names that go with them. I do this with other numbers, too, but phone numbers are the most confusing. Especially when I�m looking at three different post its with three different phone numbers knowing one of tem has the number I need but not knowing which one because I didn�t write the name on the paper because when I wrote it I knew exactly who�s number it was so it didn�t occur to me to put the name on the slip. Yes, it sounds silly when I write it out like that, but in the moment it is perfectly justified. Anyway, the point of this is that as I stare at the evil blue screen of DOS I am also trying to tidy up my desk a bit and tie up some loose ends paperwork wise. I�ve already thrown away about six numbers I have to hope I don�t need because I have no idea who they belong to anyway. Murphy�s Law now guarantees I will absolutely need one of those numbers tomorrow.

OK, I really need to get home and start my laundry. So, I will end this rather pointless entry here and go home now.

when we last left our heros� - in our next exciting installment�