
Random Pre-holiday Entry
2005-05-27 - 5:01 p.m.

So, have you ever been really upset with someone, and you try to think clearly and put all your thoughts in order, and work out your arguments complete with �I feel� statements and specific examples so that when you talk to the person you can be clear and resolute and not turn into a bubbling pile of goo before you get your point across and then you talk to them and before you can even get started the say, �hey, I was really out of line and I feel really badly about it, so I�m sorry. I won�t do that again.� And then� you have no idea what to say because you were expecting a fight and to have to assert yourself and demand to be treated like a person and now the situation is completely changed and you didn�t plan for this contingency and now you sort of feel like a deflated balloon because all of the ire and anger is gone, but there is nothing else there to replace it. Well, maybe it�s just me, but that�s how I feel. It�s good, I don�t like fighting or being angry, but at the same time I got myself all worked up and it just went nowhere. Poof, gone, or at least completely changed. I�ve been working so hard on not letting people take advantage of me that I try to plan for every argument possible, but never for a resolution. I always assume I�m going to have to fight to the death instead of the other party conceding. The funny thing about that is if I feel I have done something wrong to someone else, I am usually the first person to apologize. I just never expect it from other people. It feels like there is something wrong with that, but I can�t put my finger on it.

I saw Shawn of the Dead last night. So, so, so funny. Go see it if you haven�t already. I laughed so hard. That�s all I have to say about that.

People are so stupid. I hate our customers. Well, except for the nice ones, they can stay. They can only call during very specific times of the day, though. Yes, I like that idea.

So, the summer of no theater is going very well. It has been very nice to just not have to deal with anything like that. I am still helping one of my spaces with a renovation they�re doing this summer, but that is a different kind of work and I�m prepping for one show in the fall, but because it is my only one I�ve been taking my time and just having fun with it. That is a nice change. I�m not really sure where this is taking me. I�ve been thinking about a lot of things with this and I know I still have plenty of summer left to figure everything out, but I still feel like I�m aproaching a crossroads. We shall see.

when we last left our heros� - in our next exciting installment�