
Nothin' Doin'
2007-06-15 - 3:31 p.m.

I keep telling myself that I�m going to update more. Then I look at the dates and realize that a week, or two weeks, or *gasp* a month has gone by without putting anything down here. Maybe I need to get one of those books that are nothing but a long list of ideas for journal entry topics. But honestly, do you really care about my favorite pet growing up? I didn�t think so.

My official theater hiatus begins at midnight tonight. I have to help one show tour to another venue in a couple of weeks, but I�m not counting that because I can already tell I�ll basically just be pointing and telling other people what to do. I can handle that.

This weekend, I�m going to work a little overtime, clean my house and sleep in. Very dull and boring, but for me it�s bliss. I have a few phone calls to return as well. I haven�t been very good at that as of late. Of course, if I had called you back the conversation would have been, �Hey, you called. What�s up? Is it important, because I have to go into rehearsal in five minutes?� Not much room for chit chat and catching up right now, also my phone phobia has ratcheted up to Olympian levels. If you are one of the people I desperately owe a call to, I apologize. It isn�t personal, I�m not ignoring you. I�ve barely had time to call back my own mother.

Anyway, Life is going all right. My new Roommate (Roomie 6.0 until I come up with something better) is settling in and doing well. She�s very nice and I think we�re going to get along just fine. I�m looking forward to having some time to actually go through the apartment and get rid of the stuff that doesn�t belong to either of us so she can have some space for herself. There is definitely a huge Goodwill run in my future. I keep thinking I should have a garage sale or something, but none of the crap I have is really worth the trouble. Maybe if we were having, say, a block wide sale or something I�d throw it out on a table, but it�s mostly old clothes that are usable, but not exactly fashionable and just silly knick knacks and random bits and pieces. No books or toys or furniture or any of the other things that make garage sales worth planning and setting up and sitting in your driveway all day for. So, I take it all to Goodwill and let them sort the wheat from the chaff.

I�ve got about a half hour before I need to cut out of here and head over to the �theater.� I tried to get out earlier, but there was just too much to do and I�ve been waiting on other people before I could finish certain things, which is frustrating. Ah well, it could be much worse. I know; I�ve experienced much worse.

when we last left our heros� - in our next exciting installment�