
First Entry of the Year
2006-01-04 - 4:48 p.m.

There are a whole lot of year-end thingies floating around out there in the internets. I feel like I should be doing one as well, but I don�t really want to. I am so bad at remembering when things happened. I can never remember what year anything happened in. I have actually had to go back and date my yahoo calendar retroactively so I can remember when shows I�ve worked on opened so I can actually write an accurate resume. So, now I try to look back on the past year and I keep thinking, �Oh, yeah, that was a lot of fun� wait, was that this March or last March? Am I really sure it was March? Ummm� Damn.�

SO, I�ll just look ahead. I�ve registered to go back to school. This means every Saturday for the next 4 � months I have to get up at 8am to make my 9am class. I get to spend 4 � hours in front of a computer learning about graphic design. Yeah. I�m also taking a short term online class I�ll have to fit in there at some point, but that shouldn�t be too hard. Basically I decided a couple months ago I need to expand my skill set. Wow, that sounds like �blah blah, corporate nonsense speak, blah.� Anyway, I want to see what else there is for me to do out there in this large arts and entertainment realm. I really decided I wanted to take a couple classes in November, but I can�t afford the private schools and City College starts up next week, so there we go. I�m dipping my feet into the land of computer-generated images and seeing how I like it. It may go somewhere it may not. It may just be something to distract me for a couple of months. Only time will tell. I may be a chicken shit and take these classes Credit/ No Credit because I may want to go to graduates school someday and if I bomb on these classes I don�t want them ruining my halfway decent GPA. I am 28 years old and I am still worried about my GPA from 1996.

The only thing I am really worried about is that because these are Saturday classes it may interfere with some of my Load ins, etc. The High School is the only one I�m really worried about, though. That�s the other reason I may take this C/NC, because it will probably hurt my grades if I have to leave early for stuff like that. I haven�t told my director over there that I�m doing this yet, but I really need to do something to create momentum for this, so having things suck for a few weeks may be the price. So far I don�t have to buy any books for either of my classes. This can be very good or very bad. I�m not really surprised for the online one, it seems most of the content could be kept online, but I�m not sure about the other one. I generally do better if I have a book to refer back to when I can�t remember the particulars from lecture.

I am very sleepy even though I slept a lot last night. My brain doesn�t want to work. I�m tempted to walk over to Shell and get a soda, but I don�t know if I really need any more caffeine today. Such dilemmas I have in my life.

So, to take the place of the 50 book challenge, eviltwinii and talkinnsmak suggested the 60 movie challenge. I think I�m up for it. I�m going to make up the rules for myself right now. OK, movies in the theater obviously count. Videos count, though videos of TV shows obviously don�t count. Made for TV Lifetime crap does not count. I don�t want to encourage those people. I�m not sure if feature films edited within an inch of their lives for network TV count. I�m thinking no, especially if I�ve seen it 50 times and it�s on TNT twelve times a day (When Harry Met Sally, I�m looking at you.). HBO etc. does count, though. OK, here we go. The 60-movie challenge of 2006 has officially begun.

�Except I haven�t seen a movie yet. Well, soon enough.

when we last left our heros� - in our next exciting installment�